Markranstädter Musiksommer

at church St. Laurentius

We welcome you to the website of

Musiksommer Markranstädt

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I kindly welcome you at our homepage.

Markranstaedt is a rather small city in the western part of Saxony and counts about 15 000 inhabitants. Since 2001, we are delighted to offer a monthly concert program in the time between April and October. These various and popular concerts are performed in our brightly renovated church St. Laurentius, which is located directly at our market place. We offer concerts for orchestra, the organ as well as chamber musical events. One can reach our church easily by using public transport. During every concert sufficient parking possibilities are provided at the market place as well.
After the musical season of summer has come to an end, we continue in November with our concert at the day of Prayer and Repentance. Biyearly at this day, Mozart´s famous “Requiem” will be performed by soloists, our orchestra and the church choir.
We kindly invite you to join the highlight of musical Christmas atmosphere. Every year our church choir performs the unique Christmas Oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach at the 3rd Advent.
Our concert at New Year´s Eve completes every year of musical preciousness. We would be joyful to see you visiting the church as well as our concerts.

Yours faithfully,

Frank Lehmann – church musician of St. Laurentius and conductor of the orchestra

Information about the Markranstädter Musiksommer an the further concerts

The Markranstädter Musiksommer kicked off its 24th season with the opening concert on 27 April and the success of the opening concert from 2023 with the saxophone quartet “Die Sax’n” was continued this year with the SAXonia Quartet.

The varied programme continued on 25 May with Oleksandra Savelieva (Kiev) and Frank Zimpel (Leipzig) in a concert for flute and organ.

On Friday, 31 May, the SOMMERTÖNE festival held this year’s opening concert with the vocal ensemble amarcord and guests in the very well-filled Laurentiuskirche and took us on a journey into the world of music around 1600.

The next regular music summer concert will be on 17 August with the ensemble tresonare.

We would be delighted to welcome you back to this event at St Laurentius.

Yours faithfully,

Pastor Michael Zemmrich
and Frank Lehmann, Church musician at St. Laurentius

upcoming events

We would be delighted to welcome you back to the St. Laurentius Church Markranstädt for our 2024 events.

Information on the 2024 events and ticket sales can be found under “Agenda”.

More details at the agenda»

17 August 2024 // 4:00 pm

Summer Concert

„Time-wedded summer sounds“

performed by

ensemble tresonare

Entrance fee: Euro 10,-

14 September 2024 // 4:00 pm

Autumn Concert

„Golden autumn“

performed by

Duo Euterpe
(flute & harp)

Entrance fee: Euro 10,-

14 October 2024 // 6:00 pm

Introduction to the Conclusion Concert

with Musicologist Thomas Kauba

in the “Weißbach-Haus”

free admission

the agenda


The organ

… at St. Laurentius Markranstädt

Our organ was built in 1886 and replaced the instrument built in 1617/18 by Heinrich Compenius the Younger.

The organ is in possession of two keyboards, a pedal, 24 stops and a swell and has been completely restored during the interior renovation of the church St. Laurentius in 2006/2007.

more details